Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

"Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness"

Designation. Mother-class guardian
And all the friends that I love

Let us together praise and our gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessings and gifts we can all get together in a healthy condition wal'afiat on this fine day

My friends are proud of,

First we need to realize that the environment is a place to live for all of us hanging, humanity. So we should keep our environment well in order to generate profits for our earth, not even a disaster for our losses. One way that the environment does not provide disaster for us is to maintain a clean environment

In maintaining the cleanliness of the environment then we must know beforehand what is the meaning of environmental cleanliness. The real meaning of environmental cleanliness is a situation where the environment is worth to live human beings, in which the physical state of human health can be maintained .. So we must keep the environment clean in order to create a decent and prosperous life.

Happy friends,

Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness is the best way of preventing various diseases that lurk in the rainy season like now. Maintain cleanliness of the environment can be started from clean our beloved school, SMP 49 Jakarta. When we clean the school lainpun people do not hesitate to imitate our good habits in our schools clean. And we as residents of this school are also affected by the positive impact of teaching and learning activities to be comfortable because our school environment clean.

Maintain the cleanliness of school environment can be done by throwing garbage in the environment of our school in the trash, carry picket kegiatan class every day, regularly and PSN 30 minutes each day Friday dalam order to clean the school environment from the Nest Ades aegypti mosquito that causes penyakit dengue fever.

These all friends,

In closing I quote the proverb which says that cleanliness is part of the faith that if someone does not care about cleanliness so he is not really a full believers. Going forward I also hope that we as human beings can be even harder to maintain environmental hygiene.

So many of my speeches, I apologize for more or less
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

theme in our daily life:
•The culture of clean living to ourselves.
•Protecting the environment is very important to us, both in cleaning the body, heart, and mind, with our minds we maintain an environment to be sunny again, there is refreshment happens in our brains when clean environment. Besides our hearts to be comfortable because we live in clean environment.
•Do not indiscriminate tree felling
•Get used to distinguish the type of trash that both organic and inorganic, so we can sort out where the garbage that is profitable and not
•Do not dispose of litter

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